
Jukan und Kleinhutt


Hello there!

... So ... who's Jukan & Kleinhutt?

We are Tony & Jana aka Jukan & Kleinhutt and our biggest passion is creating narrative art. We both live in Berlin, are tattoo artists at Alter Schwan by day and story tellers and illustrators by night.

We draw & write together as a collective after we went on an epic quest where we found out that our illustration styles & minds work marvelously together. 

We strive to make art that creates an atmosphere, creates emotional connection & put a happy smile on your face. 

Most of our products are produced in our little home studio. If we have to ask someone to help us realizing our ideas, we choose local companies and fairtrade, eco-friendly suppliers. 

This shop presents our collaboration pieces as well as work done by us individually.

If you like, lets connect on instagram:



Love, Jukan & Kleinhutt